inDinero - Marketing Design

Role: Brand designer
In collaboration with the inDinero marketing team

As inDinero’s in-house marketing designer, I was tasked with marketing inDinero’s outsourced business accounting as an approachable and reliable solution to potential clients at all levels of the marketing funnel. During my time with there, I designed infographics, case studies, and spearheaded a podcast to help customers get to know otherwise anonymous accountants.



Accounting can be an overwhelming topic for many busy CEOs and entrepeneurs who are busy thinking of the next round of funding. To show expertise, the marketing team created a series of infographics, calendars, and checklists to share just enough knowledge to nudge any potential new customer across every stage of the marketing funnel.


Guides & Case Studies

Used as ways to nudge a viewer up the marketing funnel, guides serve to empower potential new customers to feel in control of their startup’s finances while also lending credibility and expertise to inDinero.